Rivers and reservoirs

Modelling of fully dynamic river hydraulics and structure operation

MIKE 11 includes a variety of computational methods for fully dynamic, unsteady river flow simulation as well as simpler hydraulic routing in branched and looped river channel networks. The range of applications includes steep river flows to tidally influenced narrow estuaries with seamless transition between alternating subcritical and supercritical flow conditions.

Hydraulic structures are vital in any river application and MIKE 11 offers a variety of standard structures, such as weirs, culverts and bridges, and dam break options as well as a comprehensive module for operational structures. With the latter, you can implement advanced control and operation strategies, which are typically required for optimal representation of reservoirs and dams.

Typical examples of hydrodynamic river and reservoir applications are:

  • Modelling of highly regulated canal systems
  • Complex multiple reservoir and canal operations
  • Dam break studies
  • Flood assessment and mapping


  • Unlimited, fully dynamic river modelling
  • Advanced operational module for reservoir and dam operations
  • Efficient and fast simulation engine
  • Numerous add-on modules