04 Mar 2020

More users are now solving flood and drought challenges with online portal

DHI’s Flood and Drought Portal reaches a milestone with 2000 registered users.

Online portal with tools for basin and catchment planning was developed as part of the Flood and Drought management Tools project. © DHI

Back in 2018, DHI’s Flood and Drought Portal saw the light of the day for the first time and has now grown to reach its first 2000 registered users who are utilising the portal to solve a wide range of flood and drought related challenges. 

The online Flood and Drought Portal contains several technical tools that support decision-makers in effective water resource management and planning. The technical applications target areas such as issue identification and prioritisation, indicator mapping, data availability, drought and flood assessment, planning and decision making, and automated reporting. All the technical applications can be used individually or seamlessly to identify and evaluate flood and drought hazards. Thereby, enabling better planning for how to address the impacts. 

‘With the growing need for proper information about floods and droughts, we are happy to see more users on board the Flood and Drought Portal. The growing number of users indicates that the portal is able to empower decision-makers to address the implications of changing climatic scenarios’, says Oluf Zeilund Jessen, Head of Department, Water Resources at DHI. 

The Flood and Drought portal is based on a web platform that is tested in numerous DHI projects worldwide. Key national stakeholders have been trained in using the system which allows them to:

  • Access near real time data related to flood and drought (climate, impacted areas, water availability)
  • Identify and locate hazards based on a wide range of indices
  • Forecast the development and onset of growing season through indices linked to climate forecast
  • Establish user defined thresholds for warning based on national selected indices
  • Assess the impact of future investments and external factors through a basin planning tool
  • Disseminate information through automated reporting facilities
The Flood and Drought Portal is developed by DHI in collaboration with UNEP, IWA and UNEP-DHI. Want to discover how you can benefit from the portal? Register for the Flood and Drought Portal free of charge to get started. 

For more information, contact: 

Oluf Zeilund Jessen
Head of Department, Water Resources

Bertrand Richaud
Drought and Flood expert